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USA- Alaska- Prince William Sound- Golden

In 1911, prospectors discovered a 1.5 ton quartz boulder containing gold on the lagoon shores.  This touched off a mini-gold rush with prospectors.   One hundred and fifty prospectors living in 21 tents inhabited Golden to mine, three years later they left for more lucrative prospects.

We took our dinghy to shore to go for a walk, we were gifted with a rare view of a  Sitka Black Tailed  deer posing for us on a mound in the peatland bog surrounded by hemlock copses.  The deer was unabashedly not spooked by our presence.  We were able to walk towards the deer and he didn’t run off.  I was certain there must be a bear lurking somewhere nearby to explain why the deer did not bolt on our approach.

Gary and I on the shoreline

Love these gnarley trees

Golden Anchorage

Harbor Seals at low tide

Harvesting seaweed

Sitka Black Tail Deer

