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USA - Hawaii- Islands of Oahu & Molokai

Hawaii is not a popular world cruiser destination, and now we have the experience of why, rough and rocky anchorages, swells that will keep you up all night.  Having the flexibility to change our plans when we want is just another benefit of living on SV Illimite.

We had a nice time in Oahu, we got to visit with some of my old friends and made some new ones!

Leaving Oahu, Iconic Waikiki in background
a 761 foot high crater

Our marina view in Honolulu

Makapu'u Beach


Lindsay and Nya

Lindsay and I hiking down the steep volcanic trail 

Trail to Salt Pools

Going down the trail 

Salt Pool

Lindsay and Nya enjoying the Pool

Julie feeding her chickens.   We were graciously gifted with some eggs and loaned a killer ride, a 1987 Jeep CJ7.  Mahalo, Julie & John

We left Maui in the middle of the night, anchorage was too rocky to sleep.   We finished our passage in the morning.   Entering the calmest anchorage in the state of Hawaii,  Kaunakakai, Molokai. 

After receiving news one of my good ole outrigger canoe paddling friends had to leave Oahu for a family emergency, we picked up anchor on the same day of arrival to do yet another overnight to Oahu to ensure we can fit in a visit before Lindsay's departure.  

Video of how Gary goes up our mast to do repairs.
