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USA- Alaska- Kodiak Island

Carved by glaciers and worn by wind and rain Kodiak Island is the 2nd largest island in the US.  We stayed one night at the marina and we were off the next evening for our 2 night passage to Seward.   We would of loved to stay longer but our time is  very limited in Alaska, we had a 2 day sail ahead of us and a dental appointment to head for.   

Lake Gertrude

A walk in the woods

Russian Orthodox Church 1945

OUTDOOR preschool so cool 

It has been over 3 months- dinner out was fantastic fresh cod and Alaskan IPAs

Pirates seem to attract parrots : ) 

Our Marina in Seward

Surface Analysis enroute to Kodiak, we are the red dot

Surface Analysis enroute to Kodiak, we are the red dot
