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New Guinea- Biak

We sailed to the northern side of  New Guinea and checked out of the country at the last Indonesia island off of its coast, Biak. This was our last civilized stop before continuing up the coast of Papua New Guinea, our goals here were the usual, provision, do laundry and throw out our garbage.   The people were nice and the kids were friendly, curious, and very interested in hanging out.  In case you think our travel is easy, here are some photos to show you the real deal, our trials are down and dirty sometimes.

Our anchorage in background.  This is the pickup and drop off area for me,  this also happens to be in front of the fish market, years and years of fish bones pile up here.

Young family leaving after a visit on SV Illimite

I couldn't make the climb from water level, Gary with his frequent practice of boat yoga was able to make it up, with the help of someone on the dock pulling him up at low tide.

My Chariot arrives I have to walk through the bones, trash, recently killed sharks, swordfish, and wade out into guts and spleens floating in the shallows


Gary is wearing our new SV Ilimite shirt, thank you Sallyanne Hay for the awesome digital work

2 men 2 fish= Dinner time

Our Papuan friend Mattheus he spoke English

Here they still kill, sell and eat Sea Turtles

Kids so happy to say hi

Getting in the dinghy, tripped on a turtle head

These boys came to the boat more than once, and this one does not seem to own or wear any clothes, we were very close to their homes

The entourage of kids leaving our boat

Rafts= anything that floats, this is a door with a wooden chair attached
