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Indonesia- Sulawesi- Manado

Sulawesi, is the 11th largest island in the world. We had a refueling and provisioning stop in the town of Manado.   Manado is unique from all the other Indonesian towns we have been too, there is a large Christian population here.

Volcano in haze- Manadotua Island


Mount Mahawu

Huge Jackfruit at traditional pasar ( local market )

Spinach Lady

Wild caught Bamboo Rats- It has been reported to tasting a bit like pork, but very tender

Traditional smoked fish

Dried fish

Christ Blessing Statue

The indigenous people, the Minahasan used megalithic stone sarcophagus (Waruga’s) for burying their dead.   Each Waruga was in the shape of a house and had unique carvings to indicate the family's, ethnicity, social status, or occupation.   Throughout the years family members would be added into the Waruga .   In 1828 the Dutch banned the use of Waruga’s and the government went about collecting and moving Waruga's from the hillsides and moved them to a central location.   
Minahasan stone sarcophagus 

Waruga burial complex- a collection of Waruga's (above ground tombs)

Midwife- that is a baby coming out

Upside down baby, represents a baby that died at childbirth

Our 3rd birthday together @ Maratua.  Gary's 59 birthday we had tapas and dinner with friends onboard.  SV Field Trip and SV Delaney
