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Malaysia- Borneo- Mulu National Park- Wild Things

Walking at night is soo much fun, you don't miss the oppressive heat and your mind gets super focused on whats "out there'' as you listen to the cacophony of frogs, katydids, owls, and other insects making their music at night.

Rough Sided Frog

Frog- this guy is tiny -he was in a one inch pipe 

Rainbow Frog 

Tree Frog
Taking photo of snake during our night hike

Keeled Slug Eating Snake- They are VERY dangerous...if you are a slug
Keeled Slug-eating Snake
Rough Sided Frog


Pigmy Squirrel

Green Crested  Lizard


Green Crested Lizard

Green Crested Lizard

Video of Lizard eating a bug

Bats in the cave all snuggled up
