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Indonesia- Bali- Lovina

Lovina was a lovely touristy stop with lots of resorts and shops on the water.  Foreign markets are always the most interesting aspects, different fruits, veggies, cooked, and baked things for sale.   Not knowing the language or in this case the products for sale can also make it a little challenging.    One thing you cannot see in the photo's is the beautiful aroma of cat piss and food waste wafting in the air.

Local Market

I bought homemade tofu and shucked beans from this woman

Not for me!

Look how small the Mahi's are...

They all use these fantastic old scales for weighing

Dried fish

Picking out veggies

Coral Garden to help grow new coral

Underwater gym?

Lots of plastic fish

More plastic fish.. The last thing I saw was a baby diaper, I didn't take a photo I swam quickly to our dingy to get out of the water!  GROSS


  1. The smell of cat piss , and swimming with baby diapers too.... oh, how I love travelling vicariously with my friends. Haha! I hope you had a ball in Bali.

  2. Glad someone is reading my blog.... there were also dogs hanging around the chicken man.... all waiting for something to fall on the floor...


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