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Australia- Humpback Whales

It was a calm day, no wind and we were motoring to bait reef, then out in a distance I saw them, there she blows!  
There are specific rules on how close you can get to whales and it is not very close about 3 football fields.  My photos were taken from our anchored boat so we were not breaking any laws.   Our first sighting at anchor we were inside the reef and saw them from a distance.  On our second day we moved our boat out to a channel on the outside of the reef and low and behold they swam up to our stationary boat from behind.   While we were looking and waiting for the whales to surface (about 10 minutes), I told Gary, they might come up right next to the boat, as I said that I nearly jumped out of my skin, one of the 3 humpbacks came up for a breath, she was within 20 feet of our boat.  I kept the less blurry photo as I was SHAKING.

2 Humpback whales diving

Whale profile in distance

20 feet on our starboard side- OMG 

Whale Video's


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