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Australia- Giant Clams- The Birth of Venus

Giant Clams, like coral, have a symbiotic relationship with algae (zooxanthellae).  Algae lives in little holes in the clam's mantle tissue.  During the day the clam extends its mantle is to allow the algae to grow in the sunlight, this photosynthesis provides food to be passed into the bloodstream of the clam.  In return, the clam reciprocates by feeding the algae with its waste.

Giant Clams are edible, they are a Chinese aphrodisiac and they are endangered due over-harvesting. Many a coral reef has been destroyed by the hunting of these giant mollusks.

The giant clams we have spotted are all very YOUNG and small. They can grow up to four feet wide, 500 lbs and can live to be 100 years old.
Notice the clams pink shell

This clam is feeding on plankton.  On the left is its filter to pull water in and it is expels it through the siphon on the right.

Shines like a JEWEL

Mantle extended

Clams have iridophores, these lenses can sense if there is a predator approaching (me) and any changes in light.   This clam mantle retracted on approach

They are often found together, find one find another
The colors are glorious


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