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Australia- Middle Percy Island

If you stand very still in the heart of a wood
You will hear many wonderful things
The snap of a twig
The wind in the trees
and the WHIRR... of invisible wings.

If you stand very still in the turmoil of life and you will wait for the voice from within
You will be led down the quiet ways of wisdom and peace
In a mad world of chaos and din

If you stand very still and you hold your faith
You will get all the help that you ask
You will draw from the silence the things you need
Hope and courage and strength for your task

Author: Radcliff

Yacht Club

Juvenile Wallaby
Grey KangaROO

Sulpher Crested Cockatoo

Banksias named by Josesph Banks from Captain Cooks Endeavor voyage


Cool Red Clay Mounds discovered on a hike up stream from the beach
