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Vanuatu: Swimming with a Dugong- Islands Espiritu Santos & Epi

Swimming with a Dugong.   Florida friends this is not a manatee but a Dugong.   Dugongs' have different tails, mouth and teeth. They swim along the bottom of lagoons mowing down grass, they have to eat alot to keep up their size.  Dugongs  evolved from a elephant, these slow moving herbivore mammals are unfortunately almost extinct due to loss of habitat and hunting.   Photo credit to my buddy Keli!

 These gentle sea cows could live to 70 if only motor boats moved slower : (

Mermaid sighting??

Fishes at one of my favorite anchorages on Ratui island

Banded Eel Snake (close your eyes Mum!)

Father and Son going to market in Luganville.
Vanuatu "fast" food. Common staples here is boiled Taro, LapLap ( Taro, Manioc roots and Coconut pounded then boiled)  and Fish.
Market Restaurants, cute little homes in which you can order a hot meal from scratch.

Restaurant row all uniquely painted

Fisherman in outrigger canoe at dusk

Local Island House.  Islanders are self sufficient they have gardens, fruit trees, and chickens.

Tourist House.   Not self sufficient, very plastic : ) 

Historic WWII anchorage in Luganville.

USS Tucker another WWII ship taken down by a "friendly mine"

Our anchorage sunrise. 
At sea, we see many sunrises and sunsets on our travel days.


  1. Such a beautiful experience thank you so much for sharing!
    Here in Boston it's definitely fall - leaves falling, daytime temps in the 40's and 50's. So please enjoy your fabulous trip and weather so all of us here can keep living vicariously!


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